Enroll at our academy offering comprehensive Math and English programs for students in grades K-12. Our experienced instructors provide personalized instruction, helping students develop a strong foundation and achieve academic excellence. Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock your child's full potential.

Steps to enroll

  1. Schedule for πŸšͺ Placement test
    1. Placement test is required for all new students. Its sole purpose is to assess which class is the most suitable
  2. Take the placement test ✏️
    1. 1 hour long test
  3. Consultation with head instructor βœ‹πŸ»
    1. With the result of placement test and consultations with our head instructor, we ensure the best class placement for each student, taking into account their individual academic strengths and needs
  4. Sign up for the class πŸ“
  5. You’re enrolled πŸŽ‰